Statistical Data on The Vietnam War
Reference | Statistics - Subject |
Table 1 | Official Numbers of Australians Who Served |
Table 2 | Cost of the Australian Commitment - Human Terms |
Table 3 | Vietnam Veterans Mortality Data |
General | General Statistics |
Official Numbers of Who
Served - By Group/Service
Source - Department of Veterans Affairs - Vietnam Veterans Roll -
Released 1996
Group/Service | Estimate | Collected | Complete |
Australian Regular Army/National Service/CMF | |||
ARA & NS Male Personnel(approx 18,000 NS) | 40,610 | 40,695 | 100.2% |
ARA Female Personnel | 47 | 47 | 100.0% |
ARA & NS Visitors | 1,300 | 64 | 45.9% |
CMF Observers | 629 | ||
Total ARA/NS/CMF | 41,957 | 41,435 | 98.8% |
Royal Australian Air Force | |||
Male Personnel | 4,443 | 4,281 | 96.4% |
Medevac Flights - Nurses | 106 | 106 | 100.0% |
Medevac Flights - Male Personnel | 157 | 157 | 100.0% |
Total Royal Australian Air Force | 4,706 | 4,544 | 96.6% |
Royal Australian Navy | |||
Personnel on Operations in Vietnam | 2,858 | 2,880 | 100.8% |
Logistics Support Personnel | 10,000 | 9,496 | 95.0% |
Total Royal Australian Navy | 12,858 | 12,376 | 96.3% |
Philanthropic Organisations | |||
Australian Red Cross | 22 | 22 | 100.0% |
Everymans Welfare Service/Campaigners For Christ | 6 | 6 | 100.0% |
Salvation Army | 13 | 13 | 100.0% |
YMCA | 5 | 5 | 100.0% |
Australian Forces Overseas Fund | 5 | 5 | 100.0% |
Total Philanthropic Organisations | 51 | 51 | 100.0% |
Civilians | |||
Merchant Seamen | 230 | 230 | 100.0% |
SEATO Aid Program Surgical Teams | 445 | 441 | 99.1% |
Official Entertainers | 349 | 349 | 100.0% |
War Correspondents and Photographers | 92 | 92 | 100.0% |
Others | 2 | 2 | 100.0% |
Total Civilians | 1,118 | 1,114 | 99.6 |
Grand Total | 60,690 | 59,520 | 98.1% |
804,000 Australian men registered for National Service(NS)
63,000 NS were called up
18,000 NS saw service in Vietnam
Cost of the Australian Commitment - Human Terms
Action | ARA |
NS |
Killed In Action(KIA) | 172 |
143 |
1 |
316 |
6 |
4 |
326 |
Killed Accidentally | 15 |
10 |
- |
25 |
- |
- |
25 |
Died of Wounds | 40 |
28 |
- |
68 |
- |
- |
68 |
Missing in Action(MIA) |
- |
4 |
- |
2 |
6 |
NonBattle DeathsNBC | 50 |
15 |
- |
65 |
3 |
8 |
76 |
Totals Deaths Civilian Deaths 7 |
278 |
200 |
1 |
479 |
9 |
14 |
501 |
Wounded In Action | 1140 |
880 |
6 |
2026 |
13 |
30 |
2069 |
Injured/Ill in Action | 171 |
150 |
1 |
322 |
9 |
- |
331 |
NBC injured/ill | 426 |
249 |
2 |
677 |
28 |
26 |
731 |
Total Non Fatal | 1737 |
1279 |
9 |
3025 |
50 |
70 |
3632 |
Source: Australian Defence Force Casualties in Vietnam - Revised June 1988. The Official figures still indicate only 1 as Missing in Action(MIA). We have adjusted the figure to show 6, which we believe to be the true figure. We have accounted for a definate 6 MIA. Confusion may exist as some MIAs were listed as KIA, even though their bodies were never recovered from the battle field.
Casualties |
1. Estimated overall at 5,773,190 2. Estimated dead 2,122,244 3. Americans killed - 58,169 at an average age of 23.11 years - 304,000 wounded 4. 11,465 killed were less than 20 years 5. 1 in 10 Americans who served in Vietnam were casualties 6. 75,000 Veterans were severely disabled 7. Amputation and crippling wounds were 300% higher than WW2 8. 51% of deaths and 16% of wounds were caused by small arms fire.(World War II 32% - Korea 33%). The higher rate in Vietnam was contributed to the high velocity rapid fire weapons such as the AK47 and captured M16s. 9. 36% of deaths and 65% of wounds were caused by fragments from artillery 10. 11% of deaths and 15% of wounds were caused by booby traps and mines 11. 2% of wounds were caused by punji stakes 12. 2% of deaths and 2% of wounds were caused by other means 13. There were 18 military hospitals scattered throughout Vietnam 14. Medivac helicopters flew nearly 500,000 missions 15. 900,000 patients were airlifted(almost half being American) 16. Average time lapse from being wounded to hospitalisation was one hour 17. Percentage of those seriously wounded who were saved 82 % 18. Percentage of wounded who died after arriving at hospital 2.6 19. There were almost twice as many casualties in South East Asia(primarily Cambodia)in the first two years after the fall of Siagon in 1975 than there were during the ten years the US was involved. 20. 1973 - US POWs in SE Asia 591, missing in action 1,380, unaccounted for 1,929. 21. US War Casualties 22. Casualties - US versus NVA/VC 23. North Vietnamese military personnel and Vietcong reported to have died in combat 444,000 . 24. Estimated number of Vietnamese civilians killed in the war 587,000. 25. Estimated number of Vietnamese civilians wounded in the war 935,000 . 26. Number of South Vietnamese military personnel killed during the war 220,357 27. Number of South Vietnamese military personnel wounded during the war 499,000 28. Number of South Vietnamese military personnel who deserted between 1965 and 1972 840,000. 29. Number of US NCOs and US Officers killed by their own troops 86. 30. Number of US NCOs and US Officers wounded by their own troops 714 . 31. Number of probable explosive-device assaults (fraggings) against officers by US servicemen 788 . |
The Air War |
1. The US flew 1,899,688 sorties and dropped 6,727,084
tons bombs on Indo China, compared with the 2,700,00 tons of bombs dropped on
Germany during the Second World War 2. US conducted 124,532 B52 missions, expending 2,633,035 tons of ordnance 3. 18 B52s were lost to enemy action with 13 more lost in collisions and accidents 4. 3,750 Aircraft(Fixed Wing) were lost in Vietnam. 5. More than 8,000 US Airmen were killed 6. Approx. 12,000 helicopters saw service in Vietnam(all services) 7. 4865 Helicopters were downed by Communist ground fire at a cost of $250,000 ea. 8. Aircraft Flown In Vietnam 9. B52 Bomber Missions 10. US Fighter-Bomber Missions - By Region 11.US Helicopter Missions - By Year 12. By the end of 1968 Royal Australian Air Force(RAAF) 9 Sqn with only 6 helicopters had amassed 100,000 sorties in support of Australian troops, carried more than 150,000 passengers and evacuated from the battle field 2,000 casualties. Overall the RAAF conducted 331,000 missions of which 315,000 were operational sorties. 13. The RAAF No2 Sqn(Canberra Bombers) lost 2 aircraft in Vietnam. 1 shot down by a SAM and 1 lost without trace. 14. RAAF 9 Sqn(Iroquois Helicopters) lost 7 aircraft. No 35 Sqn(Caribou) lost 3 aircraft. 13. 35 Royal Australian Navy(RAN) Helicopter Pilots saw service in Vietnam and flew a total of 33,735 hours. 14. Amount of the damage, in dollars, inflicted on North Vietnam by US bombing raids $600,000,000 15. Cost of US bombing raids on North Vietnam $6,000,000,000 . |
The Ground War |
1. 2.59 million Americas saw service
in Vietnam |
The Chemical War |
1. 3,500,000 acres of Vietnam was sprayed with 19
million gallons of Defoliants, the effects that will last 100 years. 2. Herbicides Used in Vietnam |
Naval Operations |
1. HMAS Hobart served 3 times and fired a total of 42,475 rounds in support of ground troops. HMAS Perth, 3 deployments, firing 30,711 rounds, HMAS Brisbane, twice, firing 15,651 rounds and HMAS Vendetta once, firing 13,709 rounds of ordnance. |
The Infantry Combat Soldier |
1. Average age of Infantry soldiers was 20 years. 2. Average age during World War 2 was 26 years. 3. The infantry soldier in the South Pacific in WW2 saw about 40 days of combat in four years 4. The American infantry soldier in Vietnam saw about 240 days of combat in 1 year. 5. The Australian infantry soldier saw an average of 314 days combat in 1 year. |
Logistics |
1. 352(US) Billion Dollars spent on the war. 2. 760,000 tons of supplies arrived each month. 3. 10 million field rations were consumed each month. 4. 71,000 tons of ammunition was expended each month. 5. 303 million litres of petroleum products were consumed each month. 6. Engineers paved 33,450 hectares of airfields and heliports. 7. Eingineers constructed 18,000 hectares of covered and open storage facilities plus 14,150 cubic metres of refrigerated storage. 8. Engineers contructed 2,740 km of roads, built 4,600 metres of bridges and constructed 15 large fortified bases. 9. Average number of artillery rounds expended in one day by the US in Vietnam 10,000 . 10. Cost per artillery round $100 .Cost per day $1,000,000 11. Cost of one sortie for a B-52 bomber $30,000 12. Amount of aid, in dollars, provided to North Vietnam and the Vietcong by the Soviet Union and China $3,000,000,000 . |
Civilian |
1. There were 140,000 Vietnamese evacuees in April
1975.(The Fall Of Saigon). 2. An estimated 10 million Vietnamese were refugees being 55% of the population including 900,000 orphans 3. Estimated number of Vietnamese civilians killed in the war 587,000 . 4. Estimated number of Vietnamese civilians wounded in the war 935,000 |
At Wars End - Equipment Lost To Communist Forces(Estimated) |
1. 550 light and medium tanks. 2. 1,200 Armoured Personnel Carriers(APC). 3. 80 small ships and landing craft. 4. 1,000 aircraft including 200 fighters and ground attacks aircraft. 5. 100 transport aircraft and 500 helicopters. |